Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants Coronavirus Cash Relief to go to Illegal Aliens

by Eric Lendrum


Socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) made clear her dissatisfaction with the coronavirus stimulus package passed by the Senate this week, saying that the cash relief should also be sent to illegal aliens, according to Breitbart.

The $2 trillion stimulus package – the largest such stimulus package in American history – most prominently includes a provision to hand out checks for $1,200 to every American who falls below an income threshold of $75,000 or less, with Secretary Treasury Steven Mnuchin vowing to have these checks sent out by early April at the latest.

In a tweet posted on Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that “$1200 checks are only going to some with social security numbers, not immigrants with tax IDs.” She claims that this means the cash relief will be handed out “off the backs of taxpaying immigrants, who get nothing.” She then also claims, without evidence, that “Wall Street gets $4 trillion” from the bill.

In fact, illegal aliens generally do not pay anything in taxes, since they are not actual residents of the United States. In many cases, illegal aliens are still capable of reaping the rewards of welfare without paying anything in taxes, which only provides more of a burden on actual American taxpayers and citizens.

Other false claims that Ocasio-Cortez made about the bill include her claims that the bill does not provide emergency relief funding for hospitals or additional unemployment insurance for affected Americans, even though the bill does exactly that; the bill specifically includes $100 billion for hospitals, and provides an additional four months of unemployment insurance for all Americans who have been negatively impacted by the spread of the coronavirus.

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Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22).






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5 Thoughts to “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants Coronavirus Cash Relief to go to Illegal Aliens”

  1. Breana Parks

    What about those that are on SSI SSDI we are American people that worked and became disabled we should it’s a check too the hell with the immigrants

  2. joeknows

    Mr. Delzell,

  3. joeknows

    Mr. Allen,
    Halfwit is an appropriate description.
    The stupidity of this twit is absolutely astounding.

  4. Steve Allen

    This halfwit Socialist won’t even pay her required contribution to the Democratic Party. Socialists are so good at spending other peoples money.

    1. William Delzell

      Steve, many of these illegal aliens as you call them perform work tasks that the average American is either unwilling or too lazy to do like cleaning toilets, making hotel beds, etc. So, don’t knock them unless you want to do your drudgery. Right-wingers trick the average white American into blaming illegal aliens as the main source of their troubles. It is the rich plutocratic less than one percent that causes us most our troubles today. Wake up, Steve!
